Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Egg Hunting!

We got invited to a friend's house for an Easter Sunday egg hunt and dinner. It was a lot of fun and we took lots of pictures.

Elisa and I in the yard during the hunt.

The kids from the two families counting their booty after opening up eggs.

The cake that our friends made for Easter and decorated.

Elizabeth LOVED the old doll house in the house.

Getting instructions and rules for the egg hunt.

All the kids involved in Easter Festivities - in their Sunday dress.

The Johnson kids before Easter Dinner!

Elena and Sarah.

Decorating the Easter bags to collect eggs.

Family Tradition

The weekend of Easter, it's a tradition in our house to do a sunrise devotional. The last two years, this has been a chilly affair. This year was no different. We gathered on a hilltop (which happened to be the soccer fields) and open 12 eggs with messages and objects related to Easter inside. Afterwards, the tradition is to eat breakfast at Ihop. We put in a few pictures to look at.

Elena's Spotlight!

This post combines two things that Elena has done recently. One is a talent show in which she played the piano for the crowd at her school. She did REALLY well. The other is when she won second place in a creative writing contest at her school for a story she wrote. We are really proud of Elena!

This is Elena reading her story in front of the school.