Saturday, October 13, 2007

Daddy daughter date to the pet store

Well, it was Elena's turn to go on a daddy daughter date with me. I usually like to let them choose where they want to go. We try not to spend much money on these dates and this time, Elena has been after me for a LONG time to take her to the pet store to pet the puppies and kitties. So I called home from work and officially asked her out on a date and told her what time I would pick her up so she could be ready. She was so excited. I took her to the pet store and she wanted to pet all the little animals there, including a mouse, hamster and rabbit. But, as you can see, her favorite was this little chihuahua puppy. I wish I could have taken video of her with that dog. She really loved it. She also liked the little kitten she held and played with for a long time.

After the pet store, I took her to look at some Webkins, but the store was closed, so we went to get some ice cream. Elena was so happy to get her turn at a date with daddy. Next up for a daddy daughter date: Andrea. Elizabeth had her turn a couple weeks ago when I came home for lunch and took her to McDonalds. Kevin and I went to Sonic for a burger and drink together during soccer recently.


{irene} said... sweet!! I was reading the post I was expecting you to announce that finally you guys bought a pet!!!, but then again I tought about Eli and..I don't think so!..:)

Anonymous said...

We miss Petland! Good choice, Elena!